Welcome to JOLAB at Dongguk University!

We are dedicated to advancing the field of multi-functional structures through innovative approaches and cutting-edge technologies. Our research encompasses diverse areas, including ultrasonic sensors/transducers/harvesters, metastructure-based adaptive wave tailoring, and physics+artificial intelligence-based analysis/design. Join us as we push the boundaries of multi-functional dynamic systems, delivering academic and industrial solutions with significant real-world impact. Explore our website to learn more about our ongoing projects, meet our team of dedicated researchers, and discover opportunities to contribute to this exciting field of study.

We are seeking students from diverse backgrounds who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of scientific research. Whether you have a background in engineering, physics, or related disciplines, we welcome individuals who are driven, curious, and eager to contribute to our innovative projects. Join our team and embark on a journey of discovery as we explore new frontiers.

To become a valuable member of our lab, reach out to Prof. Jo and express your interest today! Join Our LAB (JOLAB)!