For Undergraduate Students
(1st) Adventure Design (어드벤처 디자인), MEC2036
(1st) Introduction to MATLAB and PYTHON for Mechanical Engineers (기계전산입문), MEC2025
(2nd) Industrial Mathematics (산업수학), PRI4051
(4th) Vibration and Noise (진동 및 소음), MEC4032
(Online) Robot Programming World (로봇프로그래밍의 세계), EGC9007
(Online) Introduction to Autonomous Things (자율사물입문), RGC1043
For Graduate Students
Linear Vibration Analysis (선형진동공학), MEC7425
Advanced Vibrations (진동학특론), MEC7026
Advanced Solid Mechanics (고체역학특론), MEC7020
Computational Structure Design 1 (전산응용설계1), MEC7069
Teaching Assistant Before DGU
Mechanical Strengths and Behaviors of Solids (고체강도거동학), M2794.012000, Spring Semester, 2018
Solid Mechanics (고체역학), M2794.001000, Spring Semester, 2017
Mechanics and Design (역학과 설계), M2794.007800, Fall Semester, 2016, 2017
Mechanical Engineering Experiment I (기계공학실험 I), M2794.001500, Spring Semester, 2016