Research Project

On Going

Title: Advancements in Model-Based Active Vibration Control Systems for Suppressing Vibrations in Electric Vehicle Seats with Vehicle-Level Verification 
Support Organization: Hyundai NGV (현대 NGV)
Period: 2024/11 ~ 2025/11
Role: Principal Investigator

Title: AI & Advanced Materials-based Leading-edge Industry Intelligent Robot Center
Support Organization: Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (한국산업기술진흥원)
Period: 2024/03 ~ 2027/02
Role: Researcher (Principal Investigator: Prof. Heung Soo Kim at Dongguk University)

Title: A Hybrid Approach of Artificial Intelligence and Generative Design for Inverse Design of Anisotropic Metamaterials
Support Organization: National Research Foundation of Korea, Ministry of Education (한국연구재단, 교육부)
Period: 2022/06 ~ 2025/05
Role: Principal Investigator


Title: Design and Analysis of Elastic Metastructure-incorporated Actuators
Support Organization: Dongguk University (동국대학교)
Period: 2023/03 ~ 2024/08
Role: Principal Investigator

Title: The Development of Active Vibration Control System for the Vibration Suppression of EV Car Seat System under Impact Driving Conditions
Support Organization: Hyundai NGV (현대 NGV)
Period: 2023/07 ~ 2024/07
Role: Researcher (Principal Investigator: Prof. Moon K. Kwak at Dongguk University)

Title: National Security Project
Support Organization: Korea Aerospace Industries, LTD. (한국항공우주산업주식회사)
Period: 2023/05 ~ 2023/12
Role: Researcher (Principal Investigator: Prof. Joo Ho Choi at Korea Aerospace University)