Principal Investigator
Soo-Ho Jo (조수호), Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical, Robotics, and Energy Engineering
Dongguk University
Wonheungkwan (원흥관) E643, 30, Pildong-ro 1-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul 04620, South Korea
Tel.: +82-2-2260-3702
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea, 2016/03 ~ 2021/02
Dissertation: Modeling and Design of a Phononic Crystal with Piezoelectric Defects for Broadband Energy Localization and Harvesting
(Advisor: Byeng D. Youn,, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea, 2013/03 ~ 2016/02
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Dongguk University, South Korea, 2023/03 ~ Present
Postdoctoral Researcher, Seoul National University, South Korea, 2021/03 ~ 2023/02
Advisor: Byeng D. Youn (Hyperautomation Artificial Intelligence LAB, Scholar, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, 2019/01 ~ 2019/03
Advisor: Alper Erturk (Smart Structures & Dynamic Systems LAB, Assistant, Seoul National University, South Korea, 2016/03 ~ 2021/02
Advisor: Byeng D. Youn (Hyperautomation Artificial Intelligence LAB,
Academic Activity
Committee Member, Society for Advanced Structures and Systems (첨단구조및시스템학회)
Committee Member, The Korean Society for Prognostics & Health Management (한국PHM학회)
Committee Member, The Korean Society for Design Optimization (한국최적설계학회)
Member, The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (대한기계학회)
Member, The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering (한국소음진동공학회)
Member, Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea (한국전산구조공학회)
Editorial Service
IJSNM Early Career Editorial Board, International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials (IF: 4.5, Rank: 32.5%)
Reviewer Service (Selected)
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (IF: 7.9, Rank: 2.5%)
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IF: 7.5, Rank: 2.5%)
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (IF: 7.1, Rank: 2.6%)
Reliability Engineering and System Safety (IF: 9.4, Rank: 3.3%)
Applied Energy (IF: 10.2, Rank: 6.2%)
Thin-Walled Structures (IF: 5.7, Rank: 7.4%)
Engineering Structures (IF: 5.6, Rank: 9.7%)
Ultrasonics (IF: 3.8, Rank: 11.2%)
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (IF: 3.6, Rank: 17%)
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (IF: 3.1, Rank: 34.9%)
Journal of Applied Physics (IF: 2.7, Rank: 42.2%)